1 day ago · Pearl Harbor On Sunday morning, Dec. 7, , the Japanese Imperial Navy used six aircraft carriers and support ships to launch a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor · Then, it will lead into the attack on Pearl Harbor itself. From there, the essay will examine the internment of the Japanese Americans in Once the two events have been established, a link will be presented to find cause and effect, while discussing the reliability of sources. In conclusion, the aim on this investigation is to show that the internment of the Japanese Americans during the Argumentative Essay On Pearl Harbor Attack Words | 3 Pages. Japanese also attempted a surprise attack on Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Thailand. They decided to attempt a surprise attack on them so they can inflict as much damage as possible as quick as possible. This horrific attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was the reason the United States entered World War II. The following day, December
Pearl Harbor: A Love Story Finds its End 79 Year Later | blogger.com
On 7 Decemberthe Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. From that point on, fear spread around the United States about how the Japanese were going to bomb the continental United States, attack on pearl harbor essay.
Two months later, on 19 FebruaryPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order This was the response from the United States government to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The order allowed for the internment of Japanese Americans in various camps located throughout the United States. Another aim of this essay is to discuss the reliability of sources, and how historians should use them. The essay starts by examining the events that led up to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Then, it will lead into the attack on Pearl Harbor itself.
From there, the essay will examine the internment of the Japanese Americans in Once the two events have been established, a link will be presented to find cause and effect, while discussing the reliability attack on pearl harbor essay sources. In conclusion, the aim on this investigation is to show that the internment of the Japanese Americans during the Pacific War was directly correlated with the attack on Pearl harbor in Historians must be able to find truths within different events to create a narrative for the common people to learn from.
In order to do that they must find truths from their research. History is the study of events that have already passed through the flow of time [1].
Historians interpret events and then process them into a narrative that tells causes and effects [2]. History cannot be seen as a whole, because there is so much information to sort through. Therefore, a historian must pick and choose what to view at in order to better understand history. The Pacific War was, in general, triggered by two events. It was the invasion of British Malaya, and the attack on Pearl Harbor; both by the Empire of Japan in Officially the war was fought between the Allies of World War II, and the Empire of Attack on pearl harbor essay. The war ended with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was an ambush set up by the Japanese against the United States Navy in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a major blow to the United States militaristically, and politically. The event showed the world that the United States could be caught off guard, and it made America look weak to attack on pearl harbor essay international community [3].
Soon after, on 19 FebruaryPresident Roosevelt issued Executive Order [4]. In Part I, this essay will examine the events that led up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the Attack on Pearl Harbor itself. Attack on pearl harbor essay Part II, this essay will examine the internment of Japanese Americans. Finally, Part III will discuss the link between the two events, and the reliability of sources.
The United States has always entered into the World Wars late; World War II was no exception of that tradition. One of the main things that led to the attack was that tensions between the United States and the Empire of Japan were increasing.
Emperor Hirohito was a very militaristic type of person, he wanted to imperialize as much of Asia as possible. Japan joined the Triple Alliance with Italy and Germany on 27 September With that, the United States responded by placing an embargo against the Empire of Japan [7]. This was one of the main reasons that the Empire of Japan attacked the United States, because the United States was one of the main suppliers of steel, and oil to the Empire of Japan.
With the Embargo placed the Japanese were left crippled. The only the Emperor could imperialize the south eastern islands was to get rid of the United States Navy which was stationed at Hawaii [8], attack on pearl harbor essay. Negotiations between the United States and the Empire of Japan were mild leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura [9] and Saburo Kurusu [10] held many long talks with the United States Sate department about Japan invading Vietnam.
A part of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor was to break off negotiations between the Japanese embassy and the United States government 30 minutes before the actual attack. However the plan was not very effective since the United States government intercepted a Japanese communication that told the embassy to break negotiations [11]. When President Roosevelt received the decoded information he sent out alerts to all military bases, attack on pearl harbor essay.
However due to technological difficulties the Pearl Harbor base was not warned in time. This was one of the reasons why the United States was caught off guard, attack on pearl harbor essay.
Another reason would be that the United States did not know when or where the Empire of Japan would attack [12]. The attack started at am 7 December The United States soldiers were caught by surprise because it was early in the morning and the base was low on staff. The planes of the Empire attack on pearl harbor essay Japan kept bombing the United States Navy for many hours without stop, until the Navy was crippled [13].
The response from the United States Navy was rather attack on pearl harbor essay, because they thought it was a drill until they saw the red circles on the planes. Eventually the United States Navy was able to fight back, but their attempts were futile [14]. By the end of the attack 2, Americans died, including 68 civilians and service men wounded.
This shows just how badly the United States was humiliated by the Empire of Japan, and one of the reasons why Roosevelt would order the internment of Japanese Americans later on.
This action is reflects what the American people were feeling at that time, and the extent of their embarrassment. Secretary Knox then tries to rally the public in an attempt to encourage belief in the United States government in order for more support [18]. Since Americans now supported the war, and the government had declared war, it gave Roosevelt enough power to issue an order to intern the Japanese Americans.
The American public had also turned on Japanese Americans because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The American public thought that all of the people of Japanese decent were spies for the Empire of Japan [19]. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, some Americans suspected that the Japanese were going to come back and launch a full scale assault on the Pacific coast of the United States.
The continual conquests all over East Asian in the past few years made Japan seem almost unstoppable [21]. Both civilians and the military had some doubt about where the loyalties of the Japanese Americans currently living in the United States, however it is more likely that this concern came from racial prejudice rather than actual evidence of espionage [22]. On 2 Januarythe Joint Committee of the California Legislature sent a manifesto to the newspapers in California that attacked Japanese Americans.
This manifesto argued that all people of Japanese decent were loyal only to the Emperor of Japan, and that Japanese schools in the United States were places where they taught that being Japanese was superior to being American [23].
Eventually, Roosevelt crumbled under the pressure of the military, and the people that Japanese Americans were dangerous to the nation.
So, on 12 FebruaryPresident Roosevelt attack on pearl harbor essay Executive Order [24], attack on pearl harbor essay. AroundJapanese Americans were held in internment camps until the end of the war. Eleven days after the order was signed by President Roosevelt, hundred Japanese Americans were arrested in California, and put into internment camps [27].
In California, the local population was very supportive of the notion of interning the Japanese Americans. California was very strict about the liberties of Japanese Americans, because they were very afraid attack on pearl harbor essay a full scale attack on the United Attack on pearl harbor essay [29], attack on pearl harbor essay.
On 18 DecemberThe Supreme Court of the United States defined the legality of Executive Attack on pearl harbor essay with two cases. The first was Korematsu v. United States; where Fred Korematsu [30] sued the government on the legality of interning Japanese American Citizens. The decision for that case was that fighting espionage was more important than the rights of Japanese Americans [31].
However, there was a ruling made by the Supreme court on the same day called Ex parte Endo [32]. Although, on 2 January The Supreme Court abolished Executive Order and the Japanese Americans were released from their internment camps. As a result most of the Japanese Americans returned back to their lives in the United States, although some Japanese Americans went back to Japan [33].
The fact that the United States government released the Japanese Americans before the Pacific War shows that the United States was confident at this point in time during attack on pearl harbor essay war [34]. To bring together these two events a historian must look through all that has happened and decide how it must fit in with the rest of history. The historian must find a way to fit the events into a narrative for people to make sense of.
History is one long narrative of events told by people, about the lives of other people, which indicate that there is always an undertone of persuasiveness in history [35]. To relate how the attack on Pearl Harbor impacted the President of the United States to sign Executive Ordera historian must take the known facts and draw connections between the two events. In doing so, President Roosevelt labeled the entire Japanese race as an evil entity [36]. In doing so, the general public in the United States then felt as if they were in danger whenever they were around a Japanese American, which then led to discrimination, and prejudice [37].
With the state the general public was in, President Roosevelt started receiving notices about how he should deal with the Japanese Americans in the United States, attack on pearl harbor essay. He was pressured so much that he was eventually forced to sign Executive Order in order to maintain his popularity with the American Citizens [38], attack on pearl harbor essay.
The public at this time was very afraid of terrorism, espionage, and sabotage from the Empire of Japan, because of the damage they caused in the attack on Pearl Harbor. With so much compelling evidence, it can be quite clear that there was a connection between the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the decision to enact Executive Order To show to what extent these two events are connected, a historian would argue that if the Empire of Japan did not bomb Pearl Harbor, there would not have been a great of a fear against the Japanese.
Therefore, there would have been less prejudice against Japanese Americans in the United States, and the United States might not have joined World War II. With that in mind it is very clear that the attack on Pearl Harbor had a major impact in the decision to place Japanese Americans into internment camps for three years, during the Pacific War.
There are many problems with history; one would be the individual bias of the historian who is recording a certain part of history. How historians record history is to pick and choose information, and decide what they themselves think is true and what is not true. With this in mind, attack on pearl harbor essay, one usually would ask the question: how reliable are the sources available?
It was written by someone else other than Knox, and therefore already has an individual bias. However, bias is not a bad thing necessarily, because a historian who knows that a document is bias can make inferences on what the author was thinking or feeling at the time. So, for this actual document, it portrays the perception of what the east coast of the United States about the attack on Pearl Harbor. However, the east coast is not the place of great fear at this time, because it is far away from the Empire of Japan.
Therefore, the attack on pearl harbor essay could not experience the same fear or danger as the people in the west coast of the United States.
The limits of this source would be that it only portrays what secretary Knox want the public to view him, and how he wants the public to view the situation instead of the public perception itself. Another source that should be assessed for reliability is the biography of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, No Ordinary Time, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. President Roosevelt did not write a memoir for his presidential years, so it is very hard to find out what his actual feelings were about the predicaments he faced as President of the United States.
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
, time: 2:34Attack on Pearl Harbor | blogger.com
Pearl Harbor Attack Essay. On December 7, Japanese aircraft attacked by surprise the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, where the fleet of American Pacific war was concentrated. Warships anchored in the harbor were easy targets for approximately Japanese warplanes involved in the attack The Article Called Franklin Delano Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Speech December 8 has the entire speech that the President of the United States at the time said when he addressed the United States Congress in asking them to pass a vote to invade Japan after it’s attack on Pearl Harbor. blogger.comta, James A. America: A Concise History, Volume Two: Since 5th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s · Attack on Pearl Harbor attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, The sneak attack sparked outrage in the American populace, news media, government and the world. On December 8, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the American
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