· June 13, by sastry Essay on Computer: A computer is an electronic device which can perform many tasks like messaging, calculations, data storage, printing, etc. Computers were developed in the s. These days computers are used everywhere—homes, schools, colleges, offices, hotels, railway stations, airports, shops, blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min · Computer Essay A computer is an electronic device capable of performing complex calculations and tasks impossible for a human brain to accomplish. First ever mechanical computer was developed in 19 th century by Charles Babbage. Since then computers have undergone many transformational changes in size and processing blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins A simple explanation of the computer. Normally, a computer consists of a processing unit called the Central Processing Unit or the CPU and a form of memory. In the years between and were the first electronic digital computers developed. The initial sizes were as big as a room and consumed power as much as today’s personal blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Long and Short Essay on Computer in English for Children and Students
It's a very easy language ane also understand it's so thank you for your help. This essay written in simple language carries useful information. thank you so much. Hi,I am praneeta bajracharya and I really like the language of about the computer, essay on computers. I read in Nightingale International Secondary School. There in my school, we talk English so the language about it is same like the language in my school.
Really its language is very easy. I understand quickly. Thank you so much for helping me. Home Essay Topics Privacy Policy About me Contact Us. Home Article Essay on Computer for School Students - Importance and Uses. Bishnu Mahato February 06, essay on computers, 9 comments. In this modern age, the computer is used all over the world. It is very important for us.
We have essay on computers a useful essay on the computer in different word limits. You can select anyone according to your necessity. The computer is a modern electronic device. At first, it was a mere calculating machine. It works better and quicker than man.
It has a machine CPUa monitor, essay on computers, and a mouse to operate it. People use it in offices, hotels, companies, essay on computers. Every young man today is interested in it. We can even watch the cinema on the computer. It can print out papers and receipts. The computer does a lot of work for the man. So the present age is the age of the computer. Essay on Computer words. The computer is an electronic device.
It helps man a lot in various fields. Man depends on it more and more because of its quickness, accuracy and safe preservation of facts.
At times, it is found committing errors, essay on computers. But it is not responsible for them, essay on computers. If a man is a little careless in feeding facts, it is natural that the computer will yield him wrong results. Man gets tired but not a computer. It goes on doing its work without rest. It works of its own accord with man's little assistance. There is a computer in hotels, shopping malls, essay on computers, government departments, and banks.
In many institutes, students have taught how to operate a computer. It is a very useful and helpful device to the humankind. Essay on Computer to words.
The man has always tried to overcome the limitations of himself with the help of various inventions. He has invented automobiles or planes for his speedy movement, the radio, the telephone, television for his ears and eyes, machines for muscles and so on. These inventions are really the wonders of our civilization, but the invention of the computer is the wonder of wonders because it adds to man's intelligence and increases quickness and accuracy of his brain.
It helps a man in every field. It can make essay on computers quicker and more accurate than man's brain. So it is used in industrial concerns, banks, railway stations, factories and hotels in western countries, essay on computers. It is also used in educational institutions of the developed essay on computers to evaluate the examination answer books, essay on computers.
The safe preservation of files in the office, essay on computers, preparation of statistical data and their preservation can be done with the help of computers. It helps a man increase the Industrial production and trade and business. India is trying to introduced computer in essay on computers fields. Though its use in our country is in its infancy, it is growing popular day by day. Computer education is spreading all over the country and in the twenty-first century. Let us hope that it will be used for the benefit of the world.
It has been used by man for the last fifty years. A full-fledged computer was first prepared by Professor Eikenes and his colleagues of Harvard University, U. İn Since then its technique has been used all over the world. It is now helping a man in various fields such as: in agriculture industry, scientific facts collection, space research, diagnosing diseases, controlling traffic, preparing plans of machinery, defence, etc.
So we rightly say the computer has brought in a revolution in every field in the modern age. How essay on computers came into use:. Man first started counting with the help of his fingers. Then for keeping his accounts, he drew lines on the walls of the cave. He used pebbles, shells, etc. in counting. In the thirteenth century, he used small balls for counting.
John Napier prepared a set of multiplication work. Blaize Pascal made a small machine for addition and subtraction of essay on computers. Leibniz invented the machine which could do the four ways of calculation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Charles Babbage made another instrument which, besides doing the mathematical calculations, could keep them in its memory. When facts were fed to this instrument, its answer came as its output.
InHerman Hollerith prepared a tabulating instrument. InWilliam Burroughs prepared a calculating instrument which looked like a typewriter with a keyboard, and it could type the numbers easily. Then Aikens and Hopper prepared the computer for common use. Then various computers like the generation computer, microcomputer and at last supercomputer have been invented in later years.
Medical Treatment:. It helps doctors diagnose various diseases easily accurately and cure them. The scanning instrument can take the inside photograph of the whole body and locate the trouble spots and thus help doctors a lot. The deadly diseases like tuberculosis, ulcer, cancer can be cure when they are located at an early stage with the help of a computer. Space Research:. Man sends space-crafts equipped with computers into space to study the possibilities of life on other planets.
The time will come when computers will help him set up colonies in outer spaces. Some satellites fixed with computers are sent into space to study weather, essay on computers, locate minerals in the earth's crust and so essay on computers. In the advanced countries, Robot, the computer man is used in fields of industries, essay on computers, agriculture, trade and entertainment.
The day will come when man's civilized life will be completely dominated by computer. It will be a household thing soon. Now the question arises whether the computer will prove a blessing or curse toman in his life.
It cannot be predicted so early. If it is misused, like a demon, essay on computers, it will come forward to destroy its creator. Now the scientists are trying their best to make use of it in the service essay on computers man. It is the greatest discovery of the modern age. Let us hope it will be used to benefit the world. Related Essays and Paragraphs for children's and school students:. Essay and Paragraph on Aeroplane. Essay and Paragraph on Train.
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Write an essay on Computer in english -- Essay writing on computer
, time: 4:23Essay on Computer: 8 Selected Essays on Computer

· Computer Essay A computer is an electronic device capable of performing complex calculations and tasks impossible for a human brain to accomplish. First ever mechanical computer was developed in 19 th century by Charles Babbage. Since then computers have undergone many transformational changes in size and processing blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · + Words Essay on Computer. In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the computer in every office whether private or blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins A simple explanation of the computer. Normally, a computer consists of a processing unit called the Central Processing Unit or the CPU and a form of memory. In the years between and were the first electronic digital computers developed. The initial sizes were as big as a room and consumed power as much as today’s personal blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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