May 29, · English Essay on “Terrorism” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam Dec 24, · Terrorism Essay 4 ( words) Terrorism is a big national issue which is using the human mind to get complete victory. Terrorism is terrifying the mind of the human being to make them weak so that they can rule the nation again. It needs to be solved on international level. We all should think about terrorism together to finish it from the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Apr 01, · Terrorism Short Essay In English for Class 1 and 2 The terrorism is the unlawful act of violence that is used by terrorists to intimidate people. Terrorism has become a common social issue. It is used to threaten the general public and the blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Long and Short Essay on Terrorism in English for Children and Students
Global Terrorism refers to the presence of terrorism and terror modules at several significant locations throughout the globe. Unlike other isolated terror activities mainly targeting the government of a nation, merely to out throw it; global terrorism seeks to establish Islamic prophecy in the entire world, by killing innocent people and destabilizing the governments. There had been a series of terror attacks all across the world, thereby proving that global terrorism is a grim reality.
Global terrorism operates through extremist terror organizations, sponsored mostly by Islamic countries and clerics. There only agenda is to convert the entire world into an Islamic state. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English to make them easily understandable and presentable when needed. After going through these Global Terrorism essay you will know what is global terrorism, effects of global terrorism, efforts made by India on global terrorism etc.
The world is connected today in a manner never seen before in history. A direct result of this is that events in one part of the world affect other parts too. Nowhere has this been seen more than it has in the case of terrorism.
The essay on terrorism in english has changed significantly since the September 11 attacks. Security has become an all-encompassing concern. Ordinary citizens now have to plan business trips or vacations around factors such as whether the destination is safe or not, what routes pose the least danger and how much time to factor in for security checks.
In addition, people no longer feel safe in their own countries since terrorist strikes have taken place in countries that were considered safe and at varied locations such as malls, pubs and even thoroughfares. Terrorism also has economic impacts directly and indirectly. Terrorists target buildings and areas that are important financially or in terms of visibility or both.
They destroy building, essay on terrorism in english, machines, plants transportation and other economic resources essay on terrorism in english can cost anywhere between thousands and billions of dollars in reconstruction. In addition, stock markets, trade, insurance and tourism also take serious hits due to terrorist attacks. Terrorism has also contributed to the rise of nationalism and increased scepticism of foreign businesses and cultures and immigrants and refugees.
Prejudice is on the rise across the world and countries are closing their borders to immigrants, thus reducing the diversity and size of economic transactions. This has political repercussions as well. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as Essay on terrorism in english reflect the increasingly insular and nationalist thinking of people who have become very suspicious of foreigners and are letting their prejudices hang out for everyone to see.
Terrorists have certainly succeeded in bringing attention to their political and religious agendas through modern methods of communication. However, the consequences are far more widespread and long-lasting than many have anticipated. The world is divided and countries are closing in on themselves. As long essay on terrorism in english reactionary policies continue, essay on terrorism in english, there will be enough mayhem that terrorists can take advantage of to further their agendas, essay on terrorism in english.
The September 11 attacks first brought to the fore the threat that terrorist activities pose to virtually every part of the world. Before these attacks, terrorism was thought to be limited to the Middle East. However, the attacks exposed the vulnerability of the most powerful nations in the world and subsequent attacks have only cemented this weakness.
After the September 11, attacks, an international military initiative was launched by the United States. This initiative was called the War on Terror. As per President Bush, it was targeted at the radical network of terrorists as well as the governments that supported them, essay on terrorism in english.
To this end, US and allied troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, both believed to be home to terrorist cells and leaders. Eventually, the Obama administration formally called an end to the War and announced the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.
However, saw the emergence of ISIS or ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The jihadist organization was dubbed a terrorist group by the UN. This led to the formation of a new operation called Operation Inherent Resolve that would target terror in South Asia and the Middle East.
The UN and the European Union have announced their own measures against terrorism, including sanctions against countries believed to be sympathetic to extremist causes. The European Union also determined to identify the essay on terrorism in english of radicalization and combat it, secure borders and increase security on transportation, identify sources of support and communication for terrorists and cut them off and work on crisis management in the aftermath of a terrorist attack so as to reduce casualties as much as possible.
Essay on terrorism in english seems to be the equivalent of the mythological hydra; if one head is cut off; two more take its place. This makes fighting against it and winning that much more difficult since the enemy is intangible and constantly changing. India has been emerging as a rapidly developing world power in the last few decades.
This has made it a target for faith-based terrorism particularly related to disputes with Pakistan over the state of Kashmir. The Home Ministry has acknowledged that terrorism is one of the gravest threats faced by the Indian people.
Other essay on terrorism in english of terrorism are also prevalent in the country including ethno-nationalist, narco and left wing terrorism. They also hold the dubious distinction of being the first instance of serial bomb blasts anywhere in the world. Subsequently, there were many other attacks. A notable one took place on August 25, when two suitcase bombs went off — one near the Gateway of India and one near Zaveri Bazaar — killing 52 people and injuring over a hundred others.
The most infamous and deadly attack essay on terrorism in english place on November 26, and lasted for three whole days. During this time 10 terrorists from the Lashkar-e-Taiba or LeT carried out coordinated attacks that involved bombings as well as shootings. They left people dead and wounded behind them. As per Indian intelligence, the terrorists involved in these attacks either had close ties with or were trained by handlers in Pakistan and groups such as Al-Qaeda.
Based on this and additional intelligence, India has been trying to have Pakistan classified as a terrorist state.
However, these efforts have only had some success. Pakistan enjoys the patronage of China, which itself is a member of the UN Security Council and has a binding veto.
In addition, countries like the US and UK have tried to downplay these attacks as results of tensions between India and Pakistan rather than classifying them as the terrorist attacks that they are. India has been trying to use global outrage to have Pakistan recognized as a terrorist state.
India is trying to drum up moral outrage in the international community but with a patron like China, Pakistan is quite safe for the moment. In general terms, the use of threats or violence to achieve a particular goal is called terrorism.
Legal definitions of what constitutes terrorism differ from country to country. Over the past century, acts of terrorism have increased across the world, essay on terrorism in english. However, terrorism itself is not a new phenomenon. Terrorism has existed for a long time in human history. Some early examples are the Jewish Sicarii who wanted essay on terrorism in english overthrow Roman rule in the Middle East. They believed that Jews cannot be ruled over by other people and should only be ruled by God, essay on terrorism in english.
To further their aims, they targeted Jewish sympathizers of the Roman Empire. Another example is Guy Fawkes who hatched a terrorist plot in order to install a Catholic monarch over England. In France, the establishment of the Republic was followed by The Reign of Terror, a period during which the state sponsored terrorist acts against the nobility and anyone deemed to be supporting them.
The modern version of terrorism, the one we are most familiar with, was engendered after World War II. Nationalist movements started spreading all across lands that were colonial outposts of European empires. Thanks to a well-connected world, these movements were able to direct attention to their causes and exercise influence over international policy. People in other parts of the world were quick to pick up on this strategy to bring local issues to global attention and modern terrorism was born.
This version of terrorism reached its apex in the September 11 attacks on the Twin Trade Towers and the Pentagon in the United States of America. The loss of life was staggering — almost people were killed and more were injured in the course of a few minutes, essay on terrorism in english. It focused global attention squarely on terrorism and became the reason behind the War on Terror that led the United States and its allies into Iraq and Afghanistan. Terrorism is very much a reality of modern times and the mere threat of a terrorist attack is enough to generate panic and fear among the general populace.
There is also no denying the fact that global terrorism has affected policy decisions to a great extent. The interconnectedness of the world through the internet has given terrorist organizations a global platform to spread their agenda and recruit more people. Battling them is no longer merely a matter of military strikes; it is necessary to disprove their radical ideology — a task that will by no means be easy, essay on terrorism in english. While terrorism itself is nothing new, its global avatar is definitely something that has arisen over the last few decades.
Thanks to how connected the world is now, news travels in a matter of seconds around the globe and reaches billions more than it used to earlier. This has created a fertile ground for terrorists to direct global attention to their causes by engaging in violent acts that are primarily directed at civilians and non-combatants. Moreover, these acts take place in places that have been considered essay on terrorism in english for the longest time, essay on terrorism in english.
So far, this chilling tactic has worked. Because the targets are civilians and they are targeted in places where they would ideally be safe such as schools, malls, shopping thoroughfares, pubs, nightclubs, churches and mosques, the shock value of these tactics is much higher.
In addition, the media jumps on such stories immediately since they generate better ratings without realizing that they are giving the terrorists the exact notoriety they want. Terrorism is not an organization; essay on terrorism in english is a strategy that various organizations use to achieve their aims. This means that it is difficult if not impossible to attack terrorism itself. Ultimately, the civilian fatalities hugely outnumber the terrorists killed.
The immediate consequence is terror and anger. Everyone from governments to foreigners is blamed for the terror attack.
However, the long term effects of terrorism are much more insidious, essay on terrorism in english. Terrorist attacks affect public morale and generate an atmosphere of fear. More importantly, such attacks create divides between people from different regions, ethnicities and religions. Instead of coming together to fight this threat, people essay on terrorism in english suspicious of each other and close themselves up.
Nationalism starts raising its ugly head as do prejudice and racism. The actions of a few taint the peaceful many. It is a war of attrition; an attack here and another attack there and a third attack somewhere else, essay on terrorism in english.
Each time fear and suspicion grow and people who were united earlier become divided.
Essay on Terrorism in english -- Terrorism essay writing in English -- Article on Terrorism
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Apr 01, · Terrorism Short Essay In English for Class 1 and 2 The terrorism is the unlawful act of violence that is used by terrorists to intimidate people. Terrorism has become a common social issue. It is used to threaten the general public and the blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Essay on Global Terrorism: The Fight against Terrorism – Essay 2 ( words) Introduction. The September 11 attacks first brought to the fore the threat that terrorist activities pose to virtually every part of the world. Before these attacks, terrorism was thought to be limited to the Middle blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins May 29, · English Essay on “Terrorism” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam
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