· My Reflections Over to Build a Fire by Jack London Summary. A man travels with his dog through the Yukon Territory, heading toward a mining camp. The dog understands it is Setting. To Build A Fire setting takes place in the Yukon Territory of · Midterm Expository Essay; "To Build a Fire " The powerful story "To Build a Fire " by Jack London, is about the struggles 'the man' faces with nature. The man is supposed to be an average person, and although some people may hesitate they are as ignorant and arrogant as the man, many people do not understand the power of nature “To Build a Fire” Essay Words | 4 Pages “To Build a Fire” is a short story written by Jack London. It is viewed as a masterpiece of naturalist fiction. “To Build a Fire” features a miner who is traveling to the Yukon Territory with a dog as his companion. The miner is
To Build a Fire Essays | GradeSaver
Outline the relevance of the title. The necessity of building a fire is the driving force of the latter stages of this short story because without fire, the man knows that he will freeze once his feet and legs are wet. When the fire he builds is extinguished by snow, and he still needs to get dry, the title becomes an urgent command as he knows he is facing death if he fails to re-build it.
It also highlights how spare the story is as it focuses on one unnamed man and his dog; fire is instead made central because if one is lit the man will be able to live.
The ability to build a fire is often cited as the reason why humans are superior to animals and suggests that humans are capable of mastering nature. The dog is used to being treated harshly by the man and is wary when the man changes his behavior in the hope of getting closer to kill it. The desire to master the dog by subjecting it to his will has a parallel with his decision to travel alone and both examples demonstrate a wish to subdue nature to his will, to build a fire essay.
The dog, however, is depicted as a symbol of nature and unlike the man it has adapted to its environment. The old-timer, who is named as such by the man, has already imparted his greater knowledge of the area and how to travel in it before the story begins.
It is of interest that the man does not heed this information because this highlights his arrogance as an outsider, a newcomer and as a younger man. It is poignant and ironic that he only comes to realize the import of the advice once it is too late.
Analyse the use of nature and its relationship with humanity. By having the Yukon as a backdrop for this story, an extreme climate is used to demonstrate the potential force of nature and the insignificance of humanity. The freezing winter temperatures of north-west Canada are depicted as a sharp contrast to what the man has previously known and, therefore, remind the readers of how the will of man — and woman — is potentially under threat by the environment.
His attempt to survive in these conditions, and his failure to do so, mean that the story is given a final element of poignancy. As he approaches death and at first panics and then decides to sleep, it is possible at last to feel empathy for him. Consider the style of this short story and how it affects the content.
The style of this story may be described as spare and driven by the central premise of the man attempting and failing to reach the camp. Its sparseness is exemplified in the use of few characters and those that appear are not given a name. Only a character called Bud is mentioned in passing when the man wishes he had devised a protective mask as Bud had done before. The focus rests mainly on the man, the dog and their surroundings.
The effects of the cold are given the majority of the space and this emphasizes to build a fire essay dangerous it is as well as showing the arrogance of the man in presuming he would be able to travel this distance without a to build a fire essay companion. Repetitions are used as a stylistic effect and this allows the attention to remain on the main narrative thread: that the man is in mortal danger from the freezing temperature and only realizes this gradually.
It is only when he accepts the likelihood of his death that his imagination comes to life. Similarly, it is only at this point that the narrative switches to encompass the scene of his death. com is the premier free source for literary analysis on the web.
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To Build a Fire -- Jack London -- ISC Echoes Short Stories Collection -- ISC Stories- ICSE Learning
, time: 3:55To Build a Fire: Essay Q&A | Novelguide

· The following entry presents criticism on London's short story “To Build a Fire” (). “To Build a Fire” () is one of London's most redoubtable To Build a Fire literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of To Build a Fire. To Build a Fire MaterialEstimated Reading Time: 1 min · September 29, by Essay Writer. To Build a Fire by Jack London tells the story of a man who perishes in extreme whether conditions because he fails to take precaution before setting out on a journey on cold weather. The story is both naturalist and realist. The naturalism movement in literature concerned itself with the struggles that a man had to go through to survive in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
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