Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on tobacco

Essay on tobacco

essay on tobacco

Tobacco Essay The general idea of this essay is that tobacco has a negative effect on people. The article that was given for examination talks about the effects of tobacco on the body. It mentions how the nicotine can enter the bloodstream and corrupt the The History of Tobacco Use and Its Dangers  · The use of tobacco is a global epidemic among young people and adults that poses heavy consequences to our physical and mental health and I want to create aware of it. As our parents once told us, “Cigarettes/Tobacco are bad for your health”, however, they don’t really tell us why or how they are bad, at least not a “in-depth” manner Tobacco is depressant which contions nicotine, a colorless, odorless drug that is very addictive. Alcohol is also a depressant and it slows down the nervous system. Marijuana is a mind changing drug. All three are dangerous, therefore, everyone should stay away from using gateway drugs. To begin, tobacco is a depressant that is very addictive

Tobacco Smoking Essay Outline & Examples

Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to pay on Gradesfixer in Safari. Home — Essay Samples — Health — Tobacco — The History Of Tobacco Use And Its Dangers. The use of tobacco is a global epidemic among young people and adults that poses heavy consequences to our physical and mental health and I want to create aware of it. I will be talking about the consequences of the use of tobacco and essay on tobacco history.

It goes back as far as 1 B. WWI was around the time the use of essay on tobacco became widely popular, and from that point on it has created such an impact, that even though essay on tobacco industries know the harm they cause, they still sell them. As a result, the main cause of cancer is due to tobacco. Second-hand smoke is the smoke being inhaled from other people smoking, this can also lead up to getting cancer.

To mention a few of the most common cancer due to tobacco are: Cancer to the lung, bladder, liver, throat and stomach. Researchers from essay on tobacco university of Otago found out that men and women aged 18, 21, and 25 years Smokers had essay on tobacco than twice the rate of depression.

The nicotine that cigarettes contain damages pathways in the brain, this is what leads up to having mood swings. Which can affect how we go about our daily routine. Lastly, to finalize this presentation. Tobacco might be profitable for some people, however, the dangers such as cancer and depression are a big issue, and we may ignore them, but the damage would still be there. I hope that from this presentation at least one of you became more aware of the harm tobacco causes, and if you ever decide to light up another cigarette, essay on tobacco, you keep in mind that a moment of relaxation could get followed by a life of pain.

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The History of Tobacco Use and Its Dangers Category: LifeHealth Subcategory: Lifestyleessay on tobacco, Addictions Topic: HabitsSmokingTobacco Page: 1 Words: Published: 14 July Downloads: 43 Download Print.

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essay on tobacco

The process of creating an essay about Tobacco generally consists of the following steps: understanding the assignment, identifying the topic, collecting information, organizing the information collected, developing the main statement, writing a draft Tobacco is depressant which contions nicotine, a colorless, odorless drug that is very addictive. Alcohol is also a depressant and it slows down the nervous system. Marijuana is a mind changing drug. All three are dangerous, therefore, everyone should stay away from using gateway drugs. To begin, tobacco is a depressant that is very addictive  · Tobacco smoking has been shown to be unhealthy as it has proved to be the leading cause of preventable deaths in United States, killing more than four hundred thousand people and costing nearly $ billion in health care bills every year, research shows

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