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Existence of god essay

Existence of god essay

existence of god essay

The goal of this essay is to explain and evaluate the two arguments for the existence of God formulated by Descartes in Meditations. The first argument is the cosmological argument. In essence, Descartes argues that the world was created by God because a person cannot create their own existence nor could have the world spontaneously [ ]  · Existence of God. Does God exist? Theology, cosmological, teleological and ontological arguments are. all have ways to prove the existence of God. With all of these great arguments how can one. deny that there is a God. There is a God and with these reasons I will prove that. There are two types of theology discussed in chapter nine of Kessler "Voices ofEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins  · The central claims for the existence of God include the ontological, moral, and the cosmological argument. In the first explanation, human beings originate from a more extraordinary being, and thus God exists as the one in control

Descartes' Proof Of The Existence Of God: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

If something happens, then it is a belief that somebody caused that thing to happen the way it did, and it is an effect of some kind of action.

This is true as through the Holy Scriptures, an ordinary person cannot create life, but a Supreme Being is able, and through belief, I know this is God and He exists. Thirdly, necessity is another factor that according to Aquinas as illustrated in Trigilio, and Brighenti, existence of god essay, that reality is the divine fact and anything else's failure to exist has nothing to do with the existing of reality 5.

Thus, the source of the causes is the purpose cause that makes other things to exist and that all other happenings are dependent to this Being. From here, it is evident that something makes others to exist, but it is the understanding that brings the faith to believe in the cause of things, that is not provable. I tend to think that a normal human being can existence of god essay, and his associates will forget his existence after sometime, generations will come and go, but there is one that never dies, and ever exists, God, whom irrespective of what happens, He still exists and is what believers belief through faith.

Finally, gradation illustrates how authority ranking exists in the world. For example, existence of god essay, looking at the food chain, animals that depend on plant life for their existence are higher in the chain and these animals experience instinct. In addition, human beings can feed on animals and thus, be higher in the food chain. The fact that both, animals and human beings use instinct does existence of god essay mean they are equal.

Animals use instinct to act where else human beings have the option to choose and reason before acting. Above the human beings are the angels, who are spiritual and death cannot make them not to exist as they do not possess any physical bodies but God created them, to be have greater ability than humans and thus God is Supreme and governs everything else below Him.

The laws of nature dictate how things happen and scientists did not invent them, rather they found out that they existed. Therefore, existence of god essay, their existence manifests that God exists. From here, it is deducible that there has to be a Existence of god essay Being that created these universal laws to maintain order over the world, and this is God, whom we should not bother to prove His existence, and truly exists Trigilio, and Brighenti 7. I really agree with these two guys because, why then bother when God takes care of all others happenings that are beyond our control, and we live our lives the best we can?

This is definitely through believing and faith that makes believers understand God controls the extraordinary happening, taking care of humanity in one way or another, that at many times, some will forget and occasionally acclaim something like "had it not for God, things could have been worse, existence of god essay.

What exactly causes them to happen the way they do is beyond the human justification, and thus it is only through faith that human beings believe God's exists. In addition, depending on the religion, whether Judaism, Christianity, Islamic or non-believers, I acknowledge that it all comes down to faith and believing as the Reasoner argues that a person can know God exists and no need to prove it Still on a personal perspective, there are contradictions that come out as the need to define the existence of God.

With many theories put forward to explain this, different circumstances can act as the reasons why things happen the way they do and thus the existence of God will then become useless.

As Richard Dawkins argues in Revelife's "The Existence of God Cannot Be Proven, but Neither Can Atheism," whatever sciences explain is not provable as it tries to explain the physical existence of things and does not mean that is the end of reasoning, I certainly understand that science has limits and proves material existing things, but because God is not a physical being, science cannot prove it and thus at this point becomes meaningless.

For example, Plant or animal life is destroyable and no one can create it, except the Supreme Being, God, existence of god essay, who is the cause of causes, existence of god essay. This then brings again the aspect of faith that people believe God creates life through mothers who conceive and give birth. If something unexplainable physically or otherwise, cannot be proved, it does not mean that, such thing does not exist.

It is thus logical for me to argue that a person can believe that God exists, but still can fail to disapprove the same statement. This tricky situation then call for faith, to believe that God exists, period, anything else is beyond human reasoning Revelife, "The Existence of God Cannot Be Proven". From this argumentI can deduce that there are chances that God exists, but it is hard to prove them, irrespective of whatever religion one believes in, and if someone believes He exists, then He does and if not, He is never there.

In addition, existence of God is a subject that science cannot proof but will depend on the definition of "God" by people who believe in Him Cline, "Myth: Atheists Rely Too Much on Science; God Can't Be Proven Scientifically". There exist some proofs of God's existence Having discussed about that God's existence as not provable, but only through believing that one can perceive His existence, it time to look at my arguments that God's existence is provable.

From a natural perspective, perception of God's existence is easy because God remains a Sacred Spirit that manifests its power and ability in material things. Through what happens on daily basis, generations after generations, are possible proofs of God's existence. However, God's existence is not that obviously seen or in accordance with reality. This statement can then be hard to either deny or accept as these understandings come naturally in the being of human existence. Can someone see what I existence of god essay Nevertheless, existence of god essay, this statement can be untrue in reasoning because it appears on written materials, but this also depends on the acceptation of that there exists an existence of god essay of the truth.

Therefore, the existence of God can be self-evident to us or it can fail, but all will depend on how we understanding and view this statement Remus, "Can the Existence of God be Proven? Looking at God as endless Supreme Being that is faultless and human's understanding of limits and incompleteness, the fundamental nature about God remains a mystery to humans, existence of god essay, and therefore according to reality that existences is part of the fundamental nature of God is neither known, then, it remains not known as long as no prove exists.

Then, God's existence as an obvious aspect of itself, and not to humans but it is for humans to prove it Remus, "Can the Existence of God be Proven? This is a bit perplexing. However, as seen earlier, faith only can help understand the reality about the existence of God and it is through nature that there is proof He exists. However, I used to question myself why believers believe God exists without need to bother proving their reasons but I later I came to know, it is the existence of god essay of the religion, which is bound by the existing laws, structured long before my existence, and if they have worked for all that period, then they are right, and whom should I be to question that.

In addition, the reasons are none deciding factors in this subject but through the Holy Scriptures, if one has faith, then this person believes in God's existence, and thus God exists. Considering what happens in the universe, then there are events and acts that one is able to believe that proofs exist to ascertain God's existence, despite not being in a position to perceive the meaning about the subject.

The proofs on God's existence can take broad categories. One is that aligns to the outside world and the other is those that have human basics. Looking at the external world, there is a particular order in which things take place…. Works cited Brentano, Franz, C. On the existence of God: Lectures given at the Universities of Wurzuburg and Vienna, Frankfurt, Germany: Springer, Print.

Cline, Austin, existence of god essay. com, n. God vs Evil Forces There is a major problem in the question of the existence of God as well as the presence of the evil forces. If God is almighty, loving and omnipresent how could there be suffering and evil forces in this world?

With all the power God has, He could eliminate each and existence of god essay evil making the world existence of god essay peaceful and a beautiful place to live for the people. God in Genesis The nature and character of God, as found in the Bible and in human consciousness, is a widely disputed and contested field of debate.

The reason for this is the very nature of God as ephemeral and unknowable. Human beings can surmise ideas from God from religious texts and their own experience.

However, no human being can claim to know the true nature of God. This fact seems. Therefore, it becomes evident that Commander of these laws is definitely more powerful and more authoritative than the command itself, existence of god essay.

Moreover, moral commands are such that they have a link with the ultimate authority and these laws have to be obeyed anywhere and everywhere irrespective of what the circumstances are, existence of god essay. The authority of these moral rules is superior to all the rules, regulations and authority of the human beings. Existence of God The philosophical questions I will try to answer and why they are of particular interest to me. Opinions that ordinary people tend to have on the issue The great monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam profoundly influenced Western philosophy.

In all of these religions, the existence of God is a central claim. For nearly a millennium from S. D to about A. In most religious texts, "God is omnipotent all-powerfulomniscient all-knowingand all-good righteous, loving, benevolent " Wolf According to this view, apart from being the source of all that is good, God has the ability to know and do everything -- including stamping out all evil. However, there still exists so much suffering and evil in the world.

Calamities of every nature do occur occasionally leading to death, displacement. There is no comfort in believing that one's existence -- joys and sufferings included -- is existence of god essay. If it were so, then there's no point in doing good rather than evil.

If there is no immortality with God, then there is no Judgment and Hitler won't be any less of a saint than Mother Theresa. In a world without God, morality loses, existence of god essay. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp, existence of god essay. Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : If something happens, then it is a belief that somebody caused that thing to happen the way it did, and it is an effect of some kind of action.

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Existence Of God Argumentative Essay | WOW Essays

existence of god essay

Having discussed about that God's existence as not provable, but only through believing that one can perceive His existence, it time to look at my arguments that God's existence is provable. From a natural perspective, perception of God's existence is easy because God remains a Sacred Spirit that manifests its power and ability in material things. Through what happens on daily basis, generations after generations, are possible proofs of God's existence  · Existence of God. Does God exist? Theology, cosmological, teleological and ontological arguments are. all have ways to prove the existence of God. With all of these great arguments how can one. deny that there is a God. There is a God and with these reasons I will prove that. There are two types of theology discussed in chapter nine of Kessler "Voices ofEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins Essay on The Existence Of God. Words4 Pages. The Three Most Popular Arguments For The Existence Of God. The Ontological Argument. One of the most important attempts to demonstrate the existence of God is the ontological argument of Saint Anselm, an 11th-century theologian. Anselm’s argument maintains that God, defined as the greatest being that can be conceived, must exist, since

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